The sequel to the original Rune Factory is set several years after Raguna and friends defeated the evil plans of the Sechs Empire. Things are at peace again in Norad Kingdom. In the village of Alvarna, a boy named Kyle has become old enough to travel on his own. Right before he begins his adventures, a strange premonition of doom begins to appear as a strange lady named Mana makes an appearance. Rune Factory 2 is much like its prequel, Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon, allowing the player to interact with the towns people. The protagonist can also woo women into marriage, while farming, going in caves and fighting monsters the whole way. This game (and it's prequel) have an impressively large assortment of items. Rune Factory 2 however, has more items than the previous game. At 762 items, Rune Factory 2 outdoes its predecessor which only had 672 items.
Download : [NDS] Rune Factory 2: AFHM
4 komentar:
I liked the first one, and I'm hearing that this is a major improvement.
Therefore! I am downloading this game at this moment.
I cant wait to try the new feature where after a certain time you get to play your child.=D
I'm really happy to get the game, but wtf i wrong w/ the voices. They sound soooooooooooooo terrible! Natsume really bleeped up here!
Well, Rune Factory was a pretty decent game. Some liked it, some hated it - I myself found that they made the farming system slightly easier to accommodate the battle system, and the town layout was simplified so that it was convenient for the player, but didn't really feel like how a town would arrange itself.
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